Elaine's journey to becoming a jeweller has been rewarded with the numerous awards she has gained through entering competitions and college. Inspirations for her jewellery designs have primarily focused on the world around her with the emphasis on the vast amount of information relating to evolution and botanical structures e.g the variety of textures, patterns and colours that nature provides for us which are never identical or stay the same.
Her latest collection for her degree show relate to her quirky obsession with cars past and present emphasizing on parts, race tracks and aesthetics which began after obtaining and restoring a classic 1975 Beetle. She has researched this area immensely, focusing on the satellite imagery of racetracks using their sweeping curves, patterns/textures and taillights from vehicles which have produced hundreds of patterns and textures to develop into wonderful and interesting pieces of jewellery.
Whenever Elaine finds her inspiration the surprise comes when looking at all her work, whether her source material is form nature of mechanical you can see her unique style shining through.
ElaineMcKay all rights reserved.